Boeing 707 MEMORABILIA for sale

I am starting to sell items of my 707 collection to finance the costly restoration of the cockpit of D-ABOD. Go to “Resources” and “Memorabilia for sale” This list will be updated from time to time and new items added.

Special Guest

Special guest: My father came over for a 48hrs visit and we had a look at his old workhorse D-ABOD. This was the first time since November 15th 1975 when he flew PHL-BOS-FRA!! He wasn’t very emotional about it and has lots of bad memories flying the 707 with former

Corrosion works continue

Some progress on the inside and outside of the cockpit of D-ABOD: The tiller finally came off and I was able to remove the CM1 side panel. Some more items from the aircraft’s past came to light. A quick look behind the insulation was rather shocking as heavy corrosion has

Two ADF radios converted

The 2 ADF radios on the control stand are now converted and ready for codeing. I had to replace all bulbs which takes some time as they are soldered to a flexible circuit board. Bulbs are 680 bulbs, by chance I had 80 new bulbs from a previous wrong order.

Restoration update (video)

YouTube Restoration Video update

Corrosion Removal

Corrosion removal

The darkest and coldest time of the year make me focus now on getting work done inside the cockpit such as corrosion treatment and removing the rudder pedal heels. Found a match and cigarette pack wrapping which have been hidden for 50 years or even more. When D-ABOD

Mindblowing JT3D/TF33 recordings from powerun on E3A

I received the engine sound recordings from a JT3D/TF33 power run: MIND BLOWING 🙂 various power settings from IDLE to up to 97% with synchronized engines all in excellent quality recorded inside the cabin behind

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Researching the Lufthansa Blue from 1967

Not as easy as it may seem – finding the correct color is a trial an error task. Unfortunately, Lufthansa keeps their color codes like a “Staatsgeheimnis” even after over 50 years. They do not even answer any requests regarding this project. Preserving the