One the move again

On the move again… moved D-ABOD’s cockpit to her temporary new home right next to my home. This will speed

F/E Panels nearing completion

Both lower P11 and upper P11, which were completed earlier this year, are now complete. The AUX panels are finished

Lufthansa 707 panel

Cockpit Primed!

Finally, with a year delay, I was able to prime the cockpit. There was a lot of damage on the skin that needed many hours of psanding and polishing. Also, former “Frankfurt” had quite a few dents that needed to be taken care of prior repainting. So here we go…

Preparing cockpit for repaint

Sanding the fuselage, removing corrosion and masking the windows. Former D-ABOD will very soon be ready for repaint. Stay tuned 😉

Polishing job done! Only took 1.5 years.

Polishing was one of the most exhausting and time consuming jobs. The damage from corrosion and finding the right technique to get it done took a very long time. Finally sanding and professional polishing machines did the trick! The result is probably better than the cockpit was ever polished.

Lower P11 wired up and ready

Lower P11 the Flight Engineer’s lower panel is wired up, tested and ready to be installed. About 15 hours work involved. All indicators are already converted and tested. Upper P11 is next followed by the overhead panel.

Polishing nearing completion!

Good progress on polishing. The new technique of sanding the damaged areas really made a great difference in achieving beautiful results. Some might consider it “overpoplished” but to remove the damage this is the only way to go. It will oxidize over time again and give a more realistic look.

Corrosion, corrosion, corrosion

Captain’s side: removed the insulation and the corrosion behind it. I found a 2k etch primer that comes very close to the zinc chromate primer used back in the day – to protect the bare aluminium from further corrosion.