In the cockpit, I was able to heat it to 15-20° to prime the forward bulkhead. Apart from some small spots corrosion works are now complete! The next step is to put back the insulation and the restored ventilation ducts and I have been studying the AC and Gasper system to make sure everything will […]
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Short summary of what has been going on in recent days, more detailed reports on Patreon. Through funding and splitting costs or was able to secure a good deal on a laser cutter and can continue converting the instruments with the overhead duct temperature being the first. The laser speeds up the work significantly and […]
As the project progresses, I anticipate major financial obstacles in getting the cockpit to a fully functional simulator in 2025. Just the electronics (excluding Computers) needed to operate all of the 136 instruments, 373 switches, 231 lights, and relays total 4833.60 euros, not including the 2000 euros I’ve already spent on wires, cables, transformers, ballasts, […]
Captain’s side: removed the insulation and the corrosion behind it. I found a 2k etch primer that comes very close to the zinc chromate primer used back in the day – to protect the bare aluminium from further corrosion.
Some progress on the inside and outside of the cockpit of D-ABOD: The tiller finally came off and I was able to remove the CM1 side panel. Some more items from the aircraft’s past came to light. A quick look behind the insulation was rather shocking as heavy corrosion has done severe damage to the […]
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